An ever evolving Tocumwal
With Tocumwal in the brink of a 3.2 million dollar stage development that consists of improvements to our town centre and Murray River foreshore, now's the time to be thinking about investing in Tocumwal Real Estate while prices are still reasonable. A new splash park and concreted and well lit footpath along the Murray River has already been completed with a lot more development yet to come.
This very friendly community welcomes newcomers and offers all the necessary services for all stages in life. It makes you feel you don't even need to lock your home's doors. Talking about your home's door - how about planning for one right here on the Murray?
With the Tocumwal Air Show coming up on September 14, 2019 expecting thousands of visitors, here's an opportunity to make an appointment to view properties for sale - residential, rural, farming, commercial. It's all here. Call our office on 03 5874 2732 to make an appointment now.